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Releasing your library

You've written your library, created examples, and tested it in Processing. Now you are ready to release and publish it.

You'll want to:

  1. create a documentation website, like the one you are reading now
  2. create a release on Github
  3. Once you are ready to add your contribution to the Contribution Manager, email with the url to your release artifacts.

Creating your website

A requirement for having your library listed officially is to have a stable documentation website.
Material for MkDocs, is a straightforward way of creating content.

The configuration of the website is defined in the mkdocs.yml file. We have included some plugins, such as search, code block copy and annotations, and navigation bars. The navigation menu is configured in mkdocs.yml as well.

If your library is on Github, then you can take advantage of Github Pages to deploy and host the website. We have configured a Github workflow at .github/workflows/deploy-website.yml that will process files in the docs folder with Material for MkDocs and deploy it as a Github Page. The steps to deploying your MkDocs website with Github pages are below:

  1. You'll need to activate Github Pages and Github Actions for your project in the settings.
  2. In settings > Github Pages, set the Source to "Deploy from a branch." Set the branch to gh-pages. Serve from the root folder.
  3. Edit the markdown files in the docs, and configure the navigation menu in mkdocs.yml file.
  4. Include the url of your website in the property named url in the

Release on Github

Releasing on Github provides an easy reference for stable versions. Github provides documentation on releasing projects. When creating your release, use a tag that starts with "v". This triggers a Github workflow (.github/workflows/release.yml) that will automatically upload the necessary release artifacts, such as the *.txt, *.zip, *.pdex files in your release folder. Github by default will include compressed versions of your source code only.